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Youthful Aging

The process of aging is much like driving a car; some factors can cause aging to accelerate, while others can tap on the brake. While there hasn’t been any discovery in science that can stop the process of aging and put it in park, new advances have identified factors that can keep you coasting at a nice steady pace with a minimum number of speed bumps.


The latest research in aging has focused on telomeres—the protective caps on chromosomes—which shorten as we age. Shortened telomeres are associated with greater loss of physiological function and with age-related complications. To slow this progression, and ultimately slow the physical signs of aging, we need an intervention that helps preserves telomeres. Science has revealed that the strongest influence on telomere length is diet and lifestyle factors—things we have complete control over.


By slowing this progression, it may be possible to maintain functional capacity as we age and decrease the amount of complications that arise.


Why We Age.

  • One of the main causes of aging is toxins which are in everything from the food you eat, to the air you breathe, to the water you drink. Toxins produce oxidative stress that causes wear and tear on the body, even on your telomeres.

  • Obesity and sarcopenia—age-related loss of muscle—also cause premature aging by creating stress in the body, leading to inflammation and insulin resistance.

  • In addition to physical stress, evidence has shown that psychological stress can cause chronically elevated levels of stress hormones and throw the body’s homeostasis for a loop.

  • Lastly, we are a nation of overfed people, but still severely undernourished. Because we tend to eat the wrong kinds of food, many people receive suboptimal amounts of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function and age gracefully.


What are Telomeres?

Telomeres are the protective nucleic acid and protein caps on the ends of chromosomes and are a key to healthy aging. Because telomeres help maintain stability of our DNA, they are critical in controlling cellular aging.

In the simplest terms, when telomeres get short, bad things happen.


For anyone concerned about the aging process, identifying simple strategies to help delay age-associated telomere shortening is of prime importance.

Research associated with telomere studies now believe that dietary antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and consumption of antioxidant-rich, plant-derived foods help maintain telomere length. Saturated fat intake, refined flour cereals, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages are associated with shorter telomeres.


Based upon the recent review, here are some of the top ways you can support your telomeres:


1. Boost Healthy Fat Intake

There is considerable evidence tying the amount and type of fat you eat to the biological process of aging. For example, omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines display beneficial properties and are thought to protect against premature telomere shortening.


2. Get Adequate Antioxidants and Nutrients

Antioxidants are the body’s primary mechanism against oxidative stress, which is a primary source of telomere damage.  Telomeres are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress; therefore, it is possible that adequate intake of antioxidants and antioxidant-rich foods may provide protection against oxidative stress-induced telomere shortening. In fact, increasing the intake of beta-carotene, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamins A, E, and C are each associated with longer telomere length.

The most prominent direct association of increased telomere length is the consumption of seeds, legumes, nuts, and coffee. This is likely explained by the richness in antioxidant compounds found in these products. There are also direct associations with the consumption of fruits and vegetables like peppers, carrots, spinach, and seaweed.


3. Limit Alcohol Use

It’s no secret that alcohol abuse leads to earlier onset of age-related diseases. Consistent with this fact, a case-control study conducted in Italian men reported decreased telomere length in alcohol abusers compared to social drinkers. On the other hand, there is abundant epidemiological evidence suggesting that moderate alcohol consumption (up to one drink per day for a woman and up to two drinks per day for a man) could be beneficial for overall health, particularly for supporting cardiovascular health. Moderation seems to be the key.


4. Watch what you eat and cut out the junk

Shorter telomeres are associated with increased consumption of red and processed meats. In a study of 5,000 American adults, the consumption of sugar-sweetened soda was associated with shorter telomeres.


5. Take Ageless Essentials with IsaGenesis 

The goal of Isagenix is to provide solutions that help slow this aging process down and at the same time improve functional capacity. Ageless Essentials with  IsaGenesis is a proprietary formula of potent antioxidant bioactives, botanicals, and vitamins to support the health of telomeres.  Ageless Essentials Daily Pack also contains IsaGenesis, specifically developed to help support telomere health. 


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